Taking the Pledge is Easy!
Simply click on the “Take the Pledge” button on the home page and throughout the site, and select the actions your company is going to take to reduce its environmental impact. Pledge takers will be added to our Pledge Directory and will be recognized throughout the year at Burnaby Board of Trade events and through our many communication channels. Come back each year, set new goals and targets, and repeat! And don’t forget to let us know how you’re doing – successes, pitfalls, milestones, all of it!
Not Sure Where to Begin?
Explore our tips & resources in the “What You Can Do” section for lots of great ideas, and check out our “Success Stories” for inspiration. Many are easy to implement and won’t cost you a dime. Others may require some investment, but are designed to save you money in the long run. And never underestimate the value of being able to demonstrate to your clients that you’re a sustainable company. If you want to do even more, take the next step and register with Climate Smart to make an even more profound difference for your business and the community.
Remember: Sustainability in the workplace is a group effort! Don’t forget to engage your co-workers and employees, and share your efforts with customers, suppliers, and across your business network!
Already Practice Sustainability?
We want to hear about it! Take the Pledge and tell us what you have done. Your accomplishments will serve as inspiration for others and provide even more great ideas. While you’re there, you can choose to take on new initiatives – it’s entirely up to you!