“Superhabits” Single-Use Item Reduction Campaign – Information for Businesses
Metro Vancouver is launching a regional campaign aimed at reducing the use and disposal of single-use items among residents. This behaviour change campaign, called “Superhabits,” will celebrate the small, everyday actions that people take to reduce single-use items. Businesses are an integral stakeholder in single-use item reduction. We are offering the opportunity to preview the campaign, learn about the research findings and campaign strategy, and provide feedback for how the campaign might support businesses in the region. Event: “Superhabits” Single-Use Item Reduction Campaign – Information for Businesses Date: May 5, 2021 Time: 2:00 – 3:00pmNo need to register, follow the instructions below under “on the day of the webinar”. |
Attending Online:Test your setup:We will be using Adobe Connect as our webinar interface. Visit this weblink (https://meet66017093.adobeconnect.com/common/help/en/support/meeting_test.htm) from Adobe which will provide you with a test to determine if you are properly setup. The best browser to use should be either the latest version of Chrome, Edge or Firefox. You will need a computer with a stable connection to the internet.On the day of the webinar:Go to this link: http://meet66017093.adobeconnect.com/singleuse/ a. Verify that “Guest” is selected b. Type in your name c. Click on “Enter Room” d. Depending on your system it may give you the option of running the webinar within your web browser or download and run the Adobe Connect app. Either option will work.Questions or comments can be typed into the chat interface within the webinar.For the best experience, please use your computer to connect to this webinar where the interface will allow you to participate in the chat, view the presentation slides and take part in group polls (if available). If you do not have access to a computer, you can use your phone to connect to the webinar in a listen-only mode. The phone number is 604-899-2339. Access code: 6821773#If you require any help with the connection test or have any technical questions please email : chris.chong@metrovancouver.org |
For more information about Metro Vancouver’s work around single-use items please visit our dedicated webpage. If you have any questions in advance of the campaign preview, please contact Karen Storry, Senior Engineer, Solid Waste Services at Karen.Storry@metrovancouver.org |