Programs for Small Business to Address Climate Change
For small businesses interested in accessing savings and programs to help them reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, below are some resources to help you navigate available opportunities.
CleanBC Better Buildings
CleanBC Better Buildings has information about several incentives available to small businesses that improve energy efficiency and reduce operational costs. |
Zero-Emission Vehicles
Receive up to $6000 in rebates on a new electric vehicle through British Columbia’s Point of Sale Incentive Program. |
FortisBC Energy Evaluation for Small Businesses
Receive a free energy evaluation from a FortisBC technical advisor. |
Energy Saving Incentives for Businesses
BC Hydro financial incentives for commercial customers, small industrial sites, and residential stratas. |
Foodservice and Laundry Equipment Rebates
Receive rebates from FortisBC between $75-$6,600 when you upgrade your inefficient commercial laundry, dishwashing, and cooking equipment. |
CleanBC Commercial New Construction Program
Receive funding for the design and construction of new high-performance buildings. |
BC Hydro Strategic Energy Management Program
Receive assistance while changing company culture to reduce energy waste and improve efficiency. |
BC Hydro Energy Saving Incentives for Businesses
BC Hydro is offering financial incentives for commercial customers and small industrial sites to help shorten the payback period for simple one-to-one lighting, HVAC or refrigeration energy efficiency upgrades. |
CleanBC Custom Program
The CleanBC Custom Program offers energy study funding and capital incentives for fuel switching and other electrification measures in large buildings. |
CleanBC Custom-Lite Program
The CleanBC Custom-Lite Program is intended to help building owners and operators reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in smaller commercial buildings. |
Refrigeration Equipment Rebates
Receive rebates from FortisBC when you upgrade your inefficient refrigeration systems to ENERGY STAR models. |
FortisBC Commercial Lighting Program
FortisBC provides rebates from $4-$150 for installing high-efficiency lighting products. |