Burnaby Board of Trade Pledge
Burnaby Board of Trade Pledge

Metro Vancouver Single Use Plastic Waste Ban Proposal


Metro Vancouver is developing a Single-Use Item Toolkit to provide its local government members with single-use item reduction resources and best practices to support them in their initiatives. The toolkit will be published later in 2019 and will be publicly available on our website.

The toolkit will also serve to promote regional harmonization and align regional single-use item management with the 5Rs of Waste Management (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recover, manage Residuals). Municipalities will conduct their individual analysis, engagement, and enforcement strategies.

Single-use plastic waste reduction is a priority across the region and many local governments are taking action to reduce these items. Several factors are driving action:

  1. Costs taxpayers millions annually to collect from public spaces
    Prevalent in marine litter
    Not commonly recycled or reused

If you’re wondering how the implementation of this ban will impact your business, you can find out more information here.


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