BBOT’s Pledge program Wins at W.A.C.E Awards
Yesterday, the Burnaby Board of Trade received the Outstanding Core Competency Award from the Western Association of Chamber Executives (WACE) for the BBOT’s Pledge for a Sustainable Community program. This award is presented to innovative programming by Boards of Trade and Chambers of Commerce from across Western Canada and the USA. This recognition is only the latest in a string of awards the BBOT–and the Pledge–has received in recent years, including from the International Chamber of Commerce, the Canadian Chamber of Commerce and the City of Burnaby.
The BBOT is excited to share this great news with our members and we thank our membership for their support–without it we would not be able to develop and deliver unique, impactful, and award-winning programming.
The Pledge for a Sustainable Community is an online resource originally conceived several years ago by members of the BBOT’s Environmental Sustainability Committee as a way of increasing our activity in the environmental sphere and supporting local economic development by engaging businesses on the continuum of sustainability. The BBOT identified years ago that environmental issues would become front-and-centre and create both challenges and opportunities for local businesses. The Pledge was created as a way of engaging businesses on this and helping them understand and adapt to changing environmental expectations from customers and new environmental regulations from governments.