BBOT Task Force Encourages Greater Environmental Incentives and Green Procurement from Province
Following a review by a special member task force comprised of local businesses and professionals, the Burnaby Board of Trade is urging the provincial government and Environment Minister George Heyman to create more incentives to encourage businesses to adopt green products and practices, and to embed more sustainability into government procurement.

In a letter to Minister Heyman, the Burnaby Board of Trade encourages the government to build on the work of its own Emerging Economy Task Force and specifically enact the five recommendations outlined in “strategic priority two” as outlined in its Final Report released last year.
The Emerging Economy Task Force’s Final Report was released during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, and understandably was overshadowed by the immediate needs of our province related to COVID-19 response and recovery. However, the need to identify, mitigate and capitalize on climate and sustainability trends remains pivotal to ensuring British Columbia’s future can be prosperous and sustainable, and the Burnaby Board of Trade encourages the government to continue to make this a priority.