Workshop: We can’t recycle our way out of the plastics crisis
This workshop is an interactive dive into eliminating single-use plastics and products in the food sector and on campus.

It will explore how organizations can educate and engage their communities and customers to act on minimizing waste and apply circular economy concepts by reducing and eliminating single-use plastics and products while introducing reusable alternatives.
We will present Simon Fraser University’s Re-use for Good initiative which includes:
- SFU’s approach, drivers, and focus areas
- how SFU collaborated between multiple departments and with students
- how to (and how not to) communicate behaviour change and sustainability initiatives
- successes and hurdles experienced along the way including programs launched to support the initiative
About the Speaker
Kayla Blok is the Manager, Campus Sustainability at SImon Fraser University. sustainability professional whose career journey, from coast to coast, has taken her from a small non-profit to a board room and the public sector. She delivers and communicates innovative, strategic, business focused sustainability solutions that offer environmental, social and cost benefits.
Event Details:
Date: March 26th, 2020
Time: 9:00 am to 10:30 am
Place: MOSAIC – 5575 Boundary Road, Vancouver
Cost: $10.00 for all Burnaby Board of Trade members.
Call: 604 412-0100, sign up online with your email address, or email us directlyÂ