Vancity’s Enviro Fund Supporting Lighter Living Initiatives
Vancity’s enviroFund™ program has been investing in local, innovative solutions to improve the environmental well-being of our members and communities since 1990. Over the past 18 years, our enviro Visa* cardholders have helped raise $8.1 million to support local organizations addressing environmental concerns and build the sustainability of our communities, just by using their Visa credit cards for daily transactions.
Between 2012 and 2017, the Vancity enviroFund™ focused on supporting the development of a sustainable local food system. This year, they’re announcing a new focus for the program: supporting “lighter living” initiatives that foster more sustainable communities, by encouraging us all to consume less, waste less, live more and share more. The Vancity enviroFund™ investments they make over the next five years will support local businesses, community organizations and non-profits that are helping our community find the innovative solutions we need to consume less, while living happier and well-balanced lives.
Beginning in 2018 and over the next five years, Vancity’s enviroFund™ will invest in projects and initiatives that support sustainable consumption and production practices in our communities. Support will be provided for projects in three priority areas:
- Community sustainability projects: Projects that promote and improve sustainable consumption and production practices (including reducing the amount of material goods we consume);
- Strategic sector initiatives: Projects that support the development of sustainability and business-savvy strategies to reduce our ecological footprint; and,
- Public advocacy and education: Projects that lead, convene and amplify the public conversation on sustainable consumption and reducing our ecological footprint.
The ask: As a community partner or organization that shares these goals and values with Vancity, we would like to invite you to consider applying for a Vancity enviroFund™ investment, or share with individuals in your networks who would be a good fit for our new strategic focus.