Pledge Directory
Susan Papadionissiou Consulting
Susan Papadionissiou Consulting
4949 Thornwood Place
Burnaby, BCÂ V5G 3Z3
Our Pledge:
- conserve by switching off unnecessary lighting
- use public transit as a first choice & limit car use
- reduce exterior drafts
- install motion sensors and timers
- Choose conference calls over face to face for short meetings
- print double sided
- send memos electronically – avoid large print jobs that are “fyi”
- donate unused clothing & books
- suggest a book exchange instead of new gifts for friends
- recycle printer cartridges
Past/Ongoing Actions:
- buy local and support local artisans for client gifts (and family gifts)
- donate annually to a broad range of local community service charities
- use local green printers
- buy office supplies with recycled content