Pledge Directory
SFU Community Trust
SFU Community Trust
130-8960 University High Street
V5A 4Y6
UniverCity is an award-winning model sustainable community on Burnaby Mountain committed to green building practices. UniverCity is home to the greenest childcare centre on the planet, built for 18 per cent less than the cost of a conventional daycare centre proving affordability and sustainability are not mutually exclusive.
- Turn off lights when not in use
- Turn off workplace electronics when not in use
- Install motion sensors or timers on light switches
- Install ENERGY STAR® rated lighting and equipment
- Optimize heating and cooling systems (21 Celsius when occupied 16 Celsius when unoccupied)
- Use natural lighting whenever possible
- Unblock heat flows by moving furniture
- Switch from incandescent to CFL, HID or LED lighting
- Maintain and replace caulking and weather stripping around windows and doors
- Look for leaks in building’s exterior to make sure you’re not losing energy through the front doors
- Use laptops whenever possible
- Consider using multi-user CPU computing
- Specify 80 plus power supply when ordering computers
- Install solar panels
- Change old power bars to the latest current sensing power bars
- Install programmable water thermostats
- Replace older boilers
- Find out about energy saving financial incentives
- Create 5-year or 10-year ambitious sustainability vision, goals and targets of success
- Set and implement bold goals to reduce waste, emissions, water and resource use
- Engage employees at all levels in greening the workplace, their homes and communities
- Embed your green goals into your products and services – help your customers “go green”!
- Engage suppliers and business customers in collaborative projects to help achieve your mutual green goals
- Champion green initiatives to your industry association and solve eco-problems together
- Measure and report your progress, share your efforts with others
- SFU Community Trust has been certified a JUST organization by the International Living Future Institute (ILFI) a leading global think-tank dedicated to the transformation of society to a world that is socially just, culturally rich and ecologically restorative.
- Encourage staff to use efficient rinsing techniques
- Install an instant water heater in your kitchen so you don’t have to let the water run
- Check all hoses, connectors, and faucets regularly for leaks
- Don’t forget hidden water use costs, like energy for pumping, heating and cooling, chemical treatment, and damage and sewer expenses.
- Scrape dishes rather than rinsing them before washing
- Discard water into plants instead of the drain
- Shut off water to unused areas of your facility to eliminate waste from leaks or unmonitored use
- Install water efficiency devices
- Replace toilet tanks with low volume tanks
- Replace lawn with low maintenance landscaping options
- Create 5-year or 10-year ambitious sustainability vision, goals and targets of success
- Set and implement bold goals to reduce waste, emissions, water and resource use
- Engage employees at all levels in greening the workplace, their homes and communities
- Embed your green goals into your products and services – help your customers “go green”!
- Engage suppliers and business customers in collaborative projects to help achieve your mutual green goals
- Champion green initiatives to your industry association and solve eco-problems together
- Measure and report your progress, share your efforts with others
- Encourage carpooling to company events and offsite meetings
- Provide secure bicycle parking facilities for employees
- Provide casual bicycle parking on-site for clients
- Provide one washroom facility where the door can be locked for cyclist/runners to freshen up
- Share trip planning tools – TransLink trip planner, Next Bus, Mobile Site/Apps, cycling route planner
- Engage employees in regional campaigns like Bike to Work Week, Carpool Hero, etc.
- Use webinars, video and teleconferencing
- Provide free or preferred parking for carpools and hybrid/electric vehicles
- Create a work from home (teleworking) option
- Schedule condensed work week to work five days in four and reduce vehicle traffic by 20%
- Offer start and end times that avoid peak periods of travel
- Create 5-year or 10-year ambitious sustainability vision, goals and targets of success
- Set and implement bold goals to reduce waste, emissions, water and resource use
- Engage employees at all levels in greening the workplace, their homes and communities
- Embed your green goals into your products and services – help your customers “go green”!
- Engage suppliers and business customers in collaborative projects to help achieve your mutual green goals
- Champion green initiatives to your industry association and solve eco-problems together
- Measure and report your progress, share your efforts with others
- Set printers to ‘double sided’
- Print only necessary documents
- Send memos, quotes and invoices electronically
- Minimize paper usage in meetings
- Provide recycle stations at key locations
- Subscribe to online newspapers and magazines
- Set up a recycle station for items accepted through Return-it and Foam-only
- Donate outdated electronics
- Donate unwanted food
- Use washable cutlery and plates
- Implement a policy of not purchasing products that are disposable and over packaged.
- Review packaging of products with a few to reducing packaging waste.
- Establish a food composting station in the kitchen
- Create 5-year or 10-year ambitious sustainability vision, goals and targets of success
- Set and implement bold goals to reduce waste, emissions, water and resource use
- Engage employees at all levels in greening the workplace, their homes and communities
- Embed your green goals into your products and services – help your customers “go green”!
- Engage suppliers and business customers in collaborative projects to help achieve your mutual green goals
- Champion green initiatives to your industry association and solve eco-problems together
- Measure and report your progress, share your efforts with others
- Purchase FSC Certified or 100% post consumer recycled paper
- Purchase long life, re-fillable and re-usable products
- Purchase organic, fair trade coffee and tea
- Choose green eco friendly printers
- Choose products that don’t produce a lot of waste
- Introduce a policy that supports green and sustainable products
- Support the local economy by buying local
- Create a policy to support Fair Trade products
- Choose products that reduce or eliminate pollution and toxins
- Support products and services that reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
- Consider biodiversity maintenance or improvement when producing or acquiring products and services
- Consider wages and working conditions from suppliers when making purchasing decisions
- Consider employee health and safety when choosing suppliers
- Reduce, Reuse and Recycle when making purchasing decisions
- Create 5-year or 10-year ambitious sustainability vision, goals and targets of success
- Set and implement bold goals to reduce waste, emissions, water and resource use
- Engage employees at all levels in greening the workplace, their homes and communities
- Embed your green goals into your products and services – help your customers “go green”!
- Engage suppliers and business customers in collaborative projects to help achieve your mutual green goals
- Champion green initiatives to your industry association and solve eco-problems together
- Measure and report your progress, share your efforts with others
- SFU Community Trust has been certified a JUST organization. The JUST Program is a program of the International Living Future Institute (ILFI) a leading global think-tank dedicated to the transformation of society to a world that is socially just, culturally rich and ecologically restorative.