Pledge Directory
Sejong Counselling and Communication Services
Sejong Counselling and Communication Services
P.O. Box 80002
Burnaby, BC V5H 3X1
778-837-3800 | SJCC@SHAW.CA
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Our Pledge:
- Switch off electrical devices.
- Switch from incandescent to CFL, HID or LED lighting.
- Obtain an energy audit.
- Ensure building has adequate insulation.
- Use pipe insulation.
- Reuse Grey or Black water for Non-Portable purposes.
- Harvest Rain water for grounds and vehicle cleaning.
- Replace toilet tanks with low volume tanks.
- Set printers to ‘double sided.’
- Use paper bags to collecting food waste.
Past/Ongoing Actions:
- Install push faucets.
- Control electrically heated rooms on a demand basis.
- Unblock heat flows by moving furniture.
- Donate unused clothing and books.
- Recycle used cooking oil.
- Participate in a charitable events.
- Recycle printer cartridges.
- Donate outdated electronics.
- Brush or sweep grounds for cleaning.
- Use waste paper as packing material.