Pledge Directory
Ignite Leadership International
Ignite Leadership International
2004 Purcell Way
North Vancouver, BC V7J 3K3
604.984.6828 |
Our Pledge:
- Use public transit for trips into the downtown core at least 70% of the time
- Reduce printing of documents/resources by 10% & double side print at least 90% of the time
- Disconnect all chargers and equipment that are not in use
- Choose environmentally friendly supplies and lower energy equipment at least 90% of the time
- Donate up to $5000 to charitable causes we support each year
- Use local printers using sustainable paper and ink
- Switch all lights to low energy alternatives CFL &/or LED
- Recycle all printer cartridges
- Recycle all paper, cardboard, batteries, equipment, CFL’s
- Use technology to reduce travel &/or postage