Burnaby Board of Trade Pledge
Burnaby Board of Trade Pledge

HUB Your Cycling Connection

HUB Your Cycling Connection

828 W. 8th Avne
V4N 0E8

To register our support for a greener tomorrow.

  • Turn off lights when not in use
  • Turn off workplace electronics when not in use
  • Put reminder stickers on light switches to turn them off
  • Use natural lighting whenever possible
  • Use laptops whenever possible
  • Consider using multi-user CPU computing
  • Specify 80 plus power supply when ordering computers
  • Find out about energy saving financial incentives
  • Encourage staff to use efficient rinsing techniques
  • Provide refrigerated drinking water
  • Water dry spot by hand instead of running the whole irrigation system longer.
  • Discard water into plants instead of the drain
  • Encourage carpooling to company events and offsite meetings
  • Share ride-matching service to form carpools
  • Hold events along the frequent transit network
  • Provide staff with transit fares for travel locally to business meetings
  • Provide secure bicycle parking facilities for employees
  • Provide casual bicycle parking on-site for clients
  • Provide one washroom facility where the door can be locked for cyclist/runners to freshen up
  • Share trip planning tools – TransLink trip planner, Next Bus, Mobile Site/Apps, cycling route planner
  • Engage employees in regional campaigns like Bike to Work Week, Carpool Hero, etc.
  • Use webinars, video and teleconferencing
  • Provide free or preferred parking for carpools and hybrid/electric vehicles
  • Subsidize transit fares for employee commuting
  • Create a work from home (teleworking) option
  • Reduce air travel
  • Schedule condensed work week to work five days in four and reduce vehicle traffic by 20%
  • Offer start and end times that avoid peak periods of travel
  • Print only necessary documents
  • Send memos, quotes and invoices electronically
  • Minimize paper usage in meetings
  • Provide recycle stations at key locations
  • Subscribe to online newspapers and magazines
  • Donate outdated electronics
  • Donate unwanted food
  • Use washable cutlery and plates
  • Recycle hazardous waste
  • Implement a policy of not purchasing products that are disposable and over packaged.

HUB Your Cycling Connection