Pledge Directory
FortisBC – Burnaby Operations and Customer Service Centre
FortisBC – Burnaby Operations and Customer Service Centre
3700 2nd Avenue
4370 Still Creek Drive
Burnaby, BC V5C 6S4
604-576-7000 |
Our Pledge:
- Employees volunteering to construct a community garden
- Pilot a composting program for organic waste
- Further promotion of ride-share opportunities
- Limit printing of Corporate Report and Employee newsletters
Past/Ongoing Actions:
- Corporate tracking, reducing and reporting Greenhouse Gas emissions
- Promoting electronic billing for customers
- New Burnaby Customer Service Centre is LEED Gold certified
- Employees encouraged to use natural gas fleet cars for business travel
- Office stationary orders through Staples Green ordering program
- Recycle batteries, plastics and paper
- Allow employees to work from home in some circumstance
- Employee participate in the Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup
- Launched new kids safety and energy awareness program