Pledge Directory
Electronic Arts Canada, Inc.
Electronic Arts Canada, Inc.
4330 Sanderson Way
Burnaby, BCÂ V5G 4X1
604-456-3600 |
Our Pledge:
- create a global spreadsheet to capture sustainability initiatives at all sites globally
- explore feasibility of gaining LEED status for our Phase 1 building in Burnaby
- publish a global sustainability newsletter each quarter
- explore removal of general wastebins from work stations
- work with IT to encourage power save settings on devices after hours
- host an employee personal electronic recycling day quarterly
- deploy an online sustainability tracking tool before the end of the fiscal year
Past/Ongoing Actions:
- all paper products are 100% post consumer/recycled
- implemented composting for organics campus-wide
- all food services disposables are 100% compostable
- cleaning staff use environmentally friendly cleaning products
- re-lamped campus with CFL’s and/or LED’s
- Phase 2 and Capture buildings are LEED certified
- Utilize green roofs to manage stormwater and building temperature
- removed paper coffee cups from all coffee stations
- subsidy offered for employees that use transit
- quarterly neighborhood cleanups