Pledge Directory
City of Burnaby
City of Burnaby
4949 Canada Way
Burnaby, BC V5G 1M2
604-294-7944 |
Our Pledge:
- Green Building Technology: Further to recent developments such as the Tommy Douglas Library and the Edmonds Community Centre, continue to ensure new civic facilities incorporate sustainable systems and technologies that contribute to the wellbeing of occupants, cost-effective operations, and protection and enhancement of the environment.
- Protection and Conservation of Water Resources: As part of its commitment to integrated protection of watersheds and water resources, at the corporate level (such as in the development of new facilities and ongoing operations of water infrastructure), the City will continue to pursue leading water conservation, storm-water management and watercourse protection and enhancement.
- Computer Efficiencies: In order to reduce energy use, waste and emissions associated with computers, the City is taking advantage of new technologies and implementing efficiency programs to reduce the number of hardware components such as printers and servers, as well as systems to power off machines when not in use.
- Recycling at Work: The existing ‘I Recycle at Work’ Program (which includes food scraps and recycling collection stations for staff) will be expanded to additional City facilities.
- Energy Efficiency: In order to save money, conserve energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with energy use, the City will continue to pursue ongoing energy management measures including: energy and lighting audits; energy-consumption monitoring; education/outreach for staff; energy efficiency initiatives in new and existing buildings and infrastructure (e.g. installation of solar hot water panels for the Bonsor Recreation Centre swimming pool); and piloting the use of LED fixtures for both new and existing street-lighting.
- Paper Reduction: Building on the City’s 22% copy paper reduction in City Hall since 2010, the 2013 target is a further 3% reduction in copy paper use, supported by programs including the development of a print strategy.
- Sustainable purchasing: 35% of office supplies in 2012 consisted of supplier’s ‘green’ options; local, organic and fair-trade products available in Food Services; floral displays sourced locally; Forest Stewardship Council certified and no less than 50% recycled content paper used in City Hall. The City is establishing requirements for suppliers to reduce and recycle packaging as a condition of purchase contracts.
- Comprehensive, community-driven Burnaby Environmental Sustainability Strategy now being developed to build on all existing environmental achievements and the vision and goals of the approved Social and Economic strategies, bringing together Burnaby’s citizens to refine our environmental focus in a way that reflects their needs and expectations. The ESS will articulate a vision, goals and achievable actions, at both the corporate and the community level, that recognize current challenges and opportunities, while providing the flexibility to adapt to changes in the future.
Past/Ongoing Actions:
- 25% of City land is preserved for park, conservation and green space – over 5,500 acres
- Tommy Douglas Library in Edmonds includes: a zero-carbon geothermal heating system, natural ventilation and lighting, construction materials made with recycled and/or sustainably sourced products, water conservation with low flow fixtures and rainwater harvesting for irrigation, bicycle facilities (parking and end-of-trip facilities for staff), and a green roof which reduces stormwater runoff and helps insulate the building.
- New Edmonds Community Centre includes: low-flow water features, optimized energy performance (including heat-capture from exhaust and energy-efficient lighting)
- Fire Station No. 7 in the Gilmore area includes: water conservation through rainwater harvesting which is used for irrigation, toilet flushing and for filling the fire truck water tanks; an efficient heating system including air source heat pumps; natural ventilation; lighting sensors to turn lights off during daylight or when rooms are unoccupied; and a green roof on the apparatus bay, which reduces stormwater runoff and helps insulate the building.
- Green Team (an interdepartmental staff committee that reports to Council) formed to reduce waste and increase recycling and conservation of resources, and education program for City staff, including workshops, monthly bulletins, website, and attendance at City events.
- Staff “green commuting” program: subsidized transit passes; cycling end of trip facilities; promotion of cycling and carpooling (e.g. Bike to Work Week; Commuter Challenge).
- I Recycle at Work Program – food scraps and recyclable materials collected within City Hall and several other facilities and Burnaby was one of the first Lower Mainland municipalities to implement a City-wide Food Scraps recycling program in 2010
- Anti-idling policy for staff, and ongoing education.
- Waste reduction in road works – trenchless utility construction and rehabilitation; use of recycled pavement in new pavement placement; re-use of excavated material for fill.
- Sustainable purchasing: 35% of office supplies in 2012 consisted of supplier’s ‘green’ options; local, organic and fair-trade products available in Food Services; floral displays sourced locally; Forest Stewardship Council certified and no less than 50% recycled content paper used in City Hall.
- 22% copy paper reduction in City Hall since 2010
- Net zero increase in City Hall vehicle fleet since 2010; transition to more fuel efficient vehicles.
- One of the first communities in B.C. to implement an open watercourse policy (in 1973)
- Mayor Derek Corrigan was honoured with the Federation of Canadian Municipalities 2011 Green Champion Award for his leadership in promoting sustainable community development
- The Burnaby Lake Rejuvenation Project won: the 2011 Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of B.C. Environment Award: and the 2012 Association of Consulting Engineering Companies, British Columbia (Award of Merit) and Canada (Award of Excellence)
- Burnaby is Canada’s first Blue Community, awarded by the Canadian Union for Public Employees in 2011 for water conservation and protection initiatives and policies
- The City won the 2011 FCM Sustainable Community Award (in partnership with the Simon Fraser University Community Trust) for Integrated Neighbourhood Development
- Developed community-driven Economic Development and Social Sustainability strategies