Pledge Directory
CARO Analytical Services
CARO Analytical Services
110-4011 Viking Way
V6V 2K9
A continued desire to be socially conscious and working to mitigate the effects we have on the planet as well as inspire others to do the same.
- Turn off lights when not in use
- Turn off workplace electronics when not in use
- Install ENERGY STAR® rated lighting and equipment
- Put reminder stickers on light switches to turn them off
- Optimize heating and cooling systems (21 Celsius when occupied 16 Celsius when unoccupied)
- Use natural lighting whenever possible
- Unblock heat flows by moving furniture
- Switch from incandescent to CFL, HID or LED lighting
- Maintain and replace caulking and weather stripping around windows and doors
- Look for leaks in building’s exterior to make sure you’re not losing energy through the front doors
- Use laptops whenever possible
- Consider using multi-user CPU computing
- Create 5-year or 10-year ambitious sustainability vision, goals and targets of success
- Engage employees at all levels in greening the workplace, their homes and communities
- Embed your green goals into your products and services – help your customers “go green”!
- Engage suppliers and business customers in collaborative projects to help achieve your mutual green goals
- Champion green initiatives to your industry association and solve eco-problems together
- Measure and report your progress, share your efforts with others
- Turn off the water supply system at night or during holidays
- Replace toilet tanks with low volume tanks
- Create 5-year or 10-year ambitious sustainability vision, goals and targets of success
- Engage employees at all levels in greening the workplace, their homes and communities
- Embed your green goals into your products and services – help your customers “go green”!
- Engage suppliers and business customers in collaborative projects to help achieve your mutual green goals
- Champion green initiatives to your industry association and solve eco-problems together
- Measure and report your progress, share your efforts with others
- Encourage carpooling to company events and offsite meetings
- Hold events along the frequent transit network
- Provide casual bicycle parking on-site for clients
- Provide one washroom facility where the door can be locked for cyclist/runners to freshen up
- Use webinars, video and teleconferencing
- Create a work from home (teleworking) option
- Reduce air travel
- Create 5-year or 10-year ambitious sustainability vision, goals and targets of success
- Set and implement bold goals to reduce waste, emissions, water and resource use
- Engage employees at all levels in greening the workplace, their homes and communities
- Embed your green goals into your products and services – help your customers “go green”!
- Engage suppliers and business customers in collaborative projects to help achieve your mutual green goals
- Champion green initiatives to your industry association and solve eco-problems together
- Measure and report your progress, share your efforts with others
- Set printers to ‘double sided’
- Print only necessary documents
- Send memos, quotes and invoices electronically
- Provide recycle stations at key locations
- Donate outdated electronics
- Use washable cutlery and plates
- Recycle hazardous waste
- Create 5-year or 10-year ambitious sustainability vision, goals and targets of success
- Set and implement bold goals to reduce waste, emissions, water and resource use
- Engage employees at all levels in greening the workplace, their homes and communities
- Embed your green goals into your products and services – help your customers “go green”!
- Engage suppliers and business customers in collaborative projects to help achieve your mutual green goals
- Champion green initiatives to your industry association and solve eco-problems together
- Measure and report your progress, share your efforts with others
- Create 5-year or 10-year ambitious sustainability vision, goals and targets of success
- Set and implement bold goals to reduce waste, emissions, water and resource use
- Engage employees at all levels in greening the workplace, their homes and communities
- Embed your green goals into your products and services – help your customers “go green”!
- Engage suppliers and business customers in collaborative projects to help achieve your mutual green goals
- Champion green initiatives to your industry association and solve eco-problems together
- Measure and report your progress, share your efforts with others