National Zero Waste Council Food Waste Survey
The National Zero Waste Council – a leadership initiative of Metro Vancouver that brings together governments, businesses, and non-government organizations to advance waste prevention in Canada and the transition to a circular economy – has engaged Value Chain Management International (VCMI) to explore means to proactively reduce food loss and waste (FLW) and its equivalent carbon footprint (CO²e). This project is additionally supported by RECYC-QUEBEC, EEQ, Packaging Consortium (PAC), and Vancity.
Optimizing packaging solutions from economic and environmental perspectives is one of the scenarios being explored. Other means for reducing FLW that the project is exploring include identifying circumstances where the elimination of prepackaged foods or beverages (e.g. consumers using reusable containers to buy items sold in bulk) can produce positive social, economic, and environmental outcomes. Opportunities to reduce FLW by redesigning business models will also be explored.
To assist our analysis, we would greatly appreciate your perspectives by completing this online survey. The survey is entirely confidential and should take no longer than ten minutes to complete. If you wish to review the questions before completing the survey, the questions can be previewed HERE.
All of the information provided will be treated with the strictest confidentiality. We are not seeking the names of people, businesses, or organizations.
If you have questions about the study please contact Martin Gooch +1 416-997-7779 or