Why Take The Pledge?
By taking the Pledge you are joining an ever growing community of businesses who are committed to – and taking steps towards – reducing their environmental footprint. Sustainability helps businesses manage resources and cut costs.
What Does Sustainability Mean for My Business?
A combination of population growth, increase in the global middleclass, a demand for more products and declining natural resources, means that the competitive business advantage is given to organizations who understand how to reduce their environmental footprint. Sustainability is more than doing the right thing. It’s smart business.
Benefits of Sustainable Business Practices:
- Reduced Costs
- Increased Employee Engagement, Attraction and Retention
- Brand Lift
- Increased Business Innovation
- Better Resilience in Business and Community
BBOT Member Benefits:
- Placement in the Pledge Directory on bbotpledge.ca
- Acknowledgement as a Pledge Taker in the BBOT’s print and online (bbot.ca) directories
- Promotion and support in the Pledge newsletter, Burnaby Business News and on social media channels
- Acknowledgement at BBOT events
- Discounted pricing on select workshops
- Pledge PDF printout to share with co-workers and customers
- Opportunity to subscribe to the free Pledge newsletter
- Login Account to update your Pledge and contact information
Non-BBOT Member Benefits
- Placement in the Pledge Directory on bbotpledge.ca
- Pledge PDF printout to share with co-workers and customers
- Opportunity to subscribe to the free Pledge newsletter
- Login Account to update your Pledge and contact information
- Invitations to participate in workshops and seminars
How do I know I’m improving?
“What gets measured gets managed”
Doing an inventory (benchmarking), creating targets, and programs to reduce and measure performance is how you will know if you are succeeding.
- Select your area of improvement – e.g. energy reduction
- Conduct an energy audit (they’re free!)
- Benchmark where you are
- Set a goal and a strategy for reduction
- Measure and repeat
- Good luck! The numbers will do the talking!