BC Hydro’s 15 Workplace Power Saving Tips to Improve Your Bottom Line
The more power you save, the more profitable your business can be
From using data to find ways to cut your usage to running an energy-saving campaign at your workplace, we’ve got 15 ways to save energy and money.
1. Create an energy-efficient work culture in your business
Employees are a great resource for identifying savings. The goal of an employee energy awareness program is to maximize the potential energy savings that can be achieved through technological upgrades and process improvements, which don’t produce lasting results unless employees are engaged. Energy conservation is also a great way to connect employees around the common cause of caring for the environment, boosting workplace morale and team-building. Learn more
2. Collect good data
If you can measure it, you can improve it. Data insights, like the ones you can get for free by logging in to bchydro.com and using MyHydro tracking tools can help you gain a better understanding of how your business or employer consumes electricity. Learn more
With our MyHydro tools, you can:
- Monitor exactly how much electricity the business consumes during normal hours of operation
- Drill down, hour-by-hour, to see peak consumption times or when consumption is unusually or unnecessarily high
- See how much electricity is consumed outside of your business’ normal hours of operation
- Adjust the time frame to see data from previous billing periods
3. Take a closer look at your BC Hydro bill
In a busy workplace, it can be tough to find the time to scrutinize your energy bill. But as energy costs rise, it’s increasingly valuable to know what you’re using, and how you’re charged for it. Closely studying the peaks and valleys of your business’ energy use each month will allow you to spot unusual consumption patterns. By making minor changes in the way your business uses power, you can cut costs significantly. Learn more
4. Know what the normal pattern of energy usage is for your property
How much energy does your property use first thing in the morning, at night, on the weekend, or on holidays when it’s unoccupied? How much does it use during normal operating hours? What happens on very hot days or very cold days, or when you host events? Once you have a handle on what’s normal for your property, you can immediately start identifying ways to save. Learn more
5. Lean on the knowledge of facilities and property management staff
No one knows your office or building’s operations better than the facilities and property management team. Lean on their expertise to identify equipment inefficiencies and maintenance issues, such as repeatedly replacing burnt-out light bulbs. Learn more
6. Embrace natural light
Good daylighting means managing sunlight. This can be done with shades or other lighting controls, like dimmers, that allow artificial light to complement daylight. And as daylight hours change, ensure outdoor lighting time clocks are adjusted to an appropriate on/off time. Learn more
7. Use task lighting when appropriate
Rather than using ceiling fixtures that light entire rooms, use LED task lighting when possible. Learn more
8. Install lighting controls and sensors
Occupancy sensors, also known as motion sensors, are automatic switches that control lighting based on the presence or absence of people. They can cut workplace energy costs by as much as 20%. Learn more
9. Only light occupied areas of your building during cleaning
Ask janitorial services to switch to a team-cleaning model or light only one area of the building at a time while cleaning rather than having the entire building unnecessarily lit after-hours. Learn more
10. Consider the cost of illuminated signage
Illuminated signs are eye catching and can be good for business, unless it’s costing you too much to power them. A switch to LED signage can lower those costs. Learn more
11. Take control of your heating and cooling costs
Electric baseboard heaters with manual control should be turned down at night, on the weekend and on holidays. Otherwise, optimize your heating and cooling system by taking advantage of energy-efficient technologies, such as automated controls for HVAC. Automated controls allow business owners to program their HVAC system to turn off when it’s not needed, like at the end of the work day when staff go home, or when the energy demand reaches a pre-set threshold. Learn more
12. Don’t rely on memory; put procedures in place
Something as simple as adopting a closing checklist (to ensure lights and appliances are turned off at night) or modest behaviour changes can make a big impact. Create operating procedures for staff, such as mapping out a specific days and times that lights are cleaned, and the steps required to do the job properly. Having a plan in place reminds staff of the need to be diligent. Learn more
13. Run an energy-saving campaign
BC Hydro and FortisBC developed four, free easy-to-use campaign toolkits that will help you run energy-saving campaigns with your staff. Each toolkit includes a step-by-step guide, posters, emails, prizes, post-its, fact sheets, and other useful resources. Learn more
14. Embrace seasonal down times
When production is slower, walk through your business and look for equipment, computers, space heaters, and lighting that can be shut down when it’s not needed. Learn more
15. Lean on available incentives to lower project costs
BC Hydro’s e.Catalog is the sole source of eligible configurations and products for the business energy saving incentive program. Over 10,000 energy-efficient products from over 250 brands are eligible for financial incentive. Learn more